pull the rug from under each other 意味

  • 揚げ足の取り合いをする


        pull the rug out from under each other:    揚げ足の取り合いをする
        pull the rug from under:    (人)への援助{えんじょ}[支援{しえん}]を急に[突然{とつぜん}]やめる[中止{ちゅうし}する?打ち切る]、(援助{えんじょ}?支持{しじ}を突然{とつぜん}やめて)(人)をつまずかせる、(人)の足をすくう His former advisors pulled the rug [carpet] (out) from under the prime minister. 首相顧問の前任者は、首
        pull the carpet out from under each other:    揚げ足の取り合いをする
        pull the rug out from under:    (人)への援助{えんじょ}[支援{しえん}]を急に[突然{とつぜん}]やめる[中止{ちゅうし}する?打ち切る]、(援助{えんじょ}?支持{しじ}を突然{とつぜん}やめて)(人)をつまずかせる、(人)の足をすくう His former advisors pulled the rug [carpet] (out) from under the prime minister. 首相顧問の前任者は、首
        pull at each other:    引っ張り合う
        alienated from each other:    《be ~》お互いを疎外し合う
        different from each other:    《be ~》人それぞれである
        distinct from each other:    《be ~》お互いに[それぞれが]はっきり分かれている
        separated from each other by:    《be ~》~によって左右{さゆう}に分けられる
        pull the carpet from under:    (人)への援助{えんじょ}[支援{しえん}]を急に[突然{とつぜん}]やめる[中止{ちゅうし}する?打ち切る]、(援助{えんじょ}?支持{しじ}を突然{とつぜん}やめて)(人)をつまずかせる、(人)の足をすくう His former advisors pulled the rug [carpet] (out) from under the prime minister. 首相顧問の前任者は、首
        become estranged from each other:    互いに疎遠になる
        developed independently from each other:    《be ~》相互{そうご}に独立{どくりつ}して作成{さくせい}される
        fire at each other from opposite:    反対側{はんたいがわ}からお互いに狙撃{そげき}する
        grow apart from each other:    少しずつ疎遠{そえん}になる
        have no secrets from each other:    お互いに隠し立てをしない


  1. "pull the reins" 意味
  2. "pull the rope taut" 意味
  3. "pull the rope with all one's strength" 意味
  4. "pull the rug (out) from under sb" 意味
  5. "pull the rug from under" 意味
  6. "pull the rug out from under" 意味
  7. "pull the rug out from under each other" 意味
  8. "pull the seat belt tighter" 意味
  9. "pull the seat from under sb" 意味
  10. "pull the rug (out) from under sb" 意味
  11. "pull the rug from under" 意味
  12. "pull the rug out from under" 意味
  13. "pull the rug out from under each other" 意味

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